Monthly Archives: November 2020

WEEK5: 3D Equalizer

3D Equalizer is by no doubt the world’s leading 3D tracking solution, for merging live action footage with digital visual effects. Through this week’s study, I have a preliminary understanding of the user interface of 3D Equalizer and how to … Continue reading

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Story Arcs, Character Designs, Timeline and Background- WALL·E

Story Circle Story circle can help anyone build a story structure well. Dam Harmon proposes to divide the story into 8 steps: A character is in a zone of comfort They want something They enter an unfamiliar situation Adapt to it Get what they want Pay … Continue reading

Posted in Design for narrative structure, film language and animation | Leave a comment

WEEK5: Revising Styled Walk/ Plug-in in MAYA/ Render farm/ Extra work

Revising Styled Walk Through this Wednesday’s course, I learned a new way to adjust the movement curve, in the graphic editor. For example, the overall adjustment of the movement. In addition, for the detailed adjustment of the action, we can … Continue reading

Posted in 3D computer foundamentals | Leave a comment

3D Animation- Death land

It is a 3D animation in dark style,telling a dystopia story. In this world, people are suffering from a plague. For the continuation of civilization, the government unify the consciousness of survivors to prevent evil and irrational  Process

Posted in Other works(2018-2020) | Leave a comment

3D Animation-Imitation

Imitation is a 3D animated short. The main character is a kid with bad habits such as smoking and drinking. By this film, I want to show that parent’s improper behaviors could greatly impact their child.

Posted in Other works(2018-2020) | Leave a comment

3D Modeling-Mox

The project Mox is a 3D character modeling exercise; Mox is also the name of my character. He is a fictional creature whose appearance blends human and dragon’s features. I gave him the setting that he is one of the … Continue reading

Posted in Other works(2018-2020) | Leave a comment

3D Animation – The Barrier

The Barrier is a 3D animated short. It tells a truth that when social media is making communication online more convenient, it also put more distance between individuals in real life. Process

Posted in Other works(2018-2020) | Leave a comment

2D Animation – Rank

Rank is a 2D animated short in steampunk art style, telling an anti-utopia story.In the fictional world where the protagonist lives, nothing is more important than the rank of citizen’s score. After experienced so many frustrations and failures, the protagonist … Continue reading

Posted in Other works(2018-2020) | Leave a comment

Visual Culture

Mise-en-scence Mise-en-scence comes from French and means “put in place” or “place in the scene.” Started to be used in stage plays. The director can control and adjust the depth, distance, position and relative proportion of fifteen in the film … Continue reading

Posted in Design for narrative structure, film language and animation | Leave a comment

WEEK4: Stylized Walk/ Extra works

Animation Principles in this practice timing arcs slow-in & slow-down pose-to-pose anticipation follow-through and overlapping action Skip The skip is a mix of a walk and a run with every third step omitted. During a walk, there’s a point where … Continue reading

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