Monthly Archives: November 2020

WEEK4: Breakdown of rigs

Good Rig& Bad Rig A good rig can improve the quality of Animating work and save time. 1.First of all, a good rig must be easy to understand for animators. In other words, we can better discover, understand and use … Continue reading

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Politics and medias relationship

As far as politics is concerned, the main role of the media is to provide information so that people can make decisions and participate in politics. Game From the perspective of politics and games, first of all, the game text … Continue reading

Posted in Design for narrative structure, film language and animation | Leave a comment

WEEK3: Full body walk cycle with props/ Extra works

Animation Principles in this practice squash and stretch timing arcs overlapping and follow-through action solid posing slow-in & slow-down pose-to-pose Reference Before the practice starts, we need to understand the various movements of the human body during walking. Similarly, I … Continue reading

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WEEK2 : Fox and Tail / Walk Cycle/ Extra works

Part 1 — Fox and Tail In this exercise, I used squash and stretch, timing, arcs, overlapping and follow-through action, anticipation, Slow in and slow out in the animation rules Before animating, a good action reference is crucial. Through this picture, … Continue reading

Posted in 3D computer foundamentals | Leave a comment

Film Language and The History of Animation, Film, CGI and VFX

Part 1 Film Language The camera Shot length As a student of 3D animation, learning lens language is essential. There are many ways to classify lenses, such as fixed lenses and sports lenses according to shooting methods, and so on. … Continue reading

Posted in Design for narrative structure, film language and animation | Leave a comment

WEEK1: 12 Principles of Animation/ Bouncing ball and Maze/ Extra works

Part 1 — 12 Principles of Animation In this week’s course, I have a deep understanding of 12 principles of animation. include: n this week’s course, I have a deep understanding of 12 principles of animation. include: Squash and stretch … Continue reading

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