Character Development and Weakness


First, let me talk about the development and shortcomings of the protagonist of “Frozen”. 

If one day you suddenly find that you are different from everyone in the world, what would you do? Aisha, one of the heroines in “Frozen”, is such a unique girl. This time it has nothing to do with preferences, but she is born with the ability to control ice and snow, and her ability grows with age Also getting stronger, she became a girl who was completely different from ordinary people.

Aisha was playing with her sister Anna. Because of Aisha’s magical power, she almost took her sister Anna’s life, so the entire palace was closed. The king disconnected the two sisters, and the king was afraid of others. Knowing that her daughter has this magical power, Aisha closed the door because of guilt and refused to see her sister. At the same time, because of this power that is different from ordinary people, Aisha started to feel low self-esteem. In Aisha’s eyes, she seemed to be an ominous person. She was cursed by nature so she possessed such a special ability! Especially when people begin to alienate themselves because of this power and become afraid of themselves.

So Aisha became solitary and confined her mind, but Aisha desperately longed for a normal life! Aisha wasted her entire childhood because of this prejudice. From childhood to adulthood, Aisha spent all of her time in that closed room, and Aisha’s time was wasted in this prejudice. Just because of her unique and powerful ability!

In fact, Aisha’s ability is not terrible. What’s terrifying is her own heart. Her heart is full of fear of her own ability, which makes her unable to control herself or control this ability at all. She is afraid that her ability will hurt others. At the same time, she was also afraid that her abilities would be exposed to the public’s eyes.

When Aisha escaped from the palace and sang “Let it go” loudly, she had begun to accept her own abilities and her own difference, but she still cared about others’ eyes and thoughts, so she did not dare and did not want to return to the palace , Return to the world that belongs to the public! When such shortcomings exist, they will indeed bring misfortune to others.

Soon the story has a turning point. Prince Hans and his party rushed to the Ice Palace to ask Aisha to unblock Winter, but Aisha couldn’t control her magic, and in order not to hurt people, she was injured and unconscious during the fight, and Hans took him back to Arendale. . Christophe sent Anna back to Arendale and chose to leave. While Anna Hans was making a kiss of true love, Hans revealed his nature, confessing that he deliberately approached her in order to gain kingship, saying that he would kill Aisha in exchange for summer, and leave Anna to let her fend for herself. Before Hans was about to kill Aisha, Aisha broke the chains and escaped from prison. Christoph felt something was wrong and turned around and hurried back to Arendale. Anna went to meet Christoph with the help of Xuebao. At this moment, Anna saw Hans preparing to attack Aisha behind her, so she rushed over, blocking Hans’ sword for her sister when she turned into an ice sculpture. After seeing this scene, Aisha hugged Anna and wept bitterly. At this time, Anna unblocked. Aisha understands that as long as there is love in her heart, she can control her magic by overcoming fear. After knowing how to control the magic power, Aisha thaw the Arendale Kingdom and everything changed back to the original state.

Despicable Me

Seeing Rick for the first time was unremarkable, but a sheriff who was carelessly shot while intercepting criminals. Once upon a time, I would have thought that the town sheriff at that time has grown into this field.

Despicable Me Gru is a bad guy. Although he doesn’t look handsome, he is still loved by many people. He can be said to be a well-known badass, behaved rudely, deceived others, and was full of bad ideas. In order to realize his plan of stealing the moon, he needed something called a reduced beam. Although he had successfully obtained the beam, he was accidentally stolen by a person called Vector. After repeated attempts, Ge Lu was defeated by powerful detection equipment. Inadvertently, Ge Lu discovered that three children were free to enter Vector’s house, so he wanted to adopt these three children to help him steal it in Vector. The shrinking rays.

Agnes, Edith, and Margot are the three children living in the orphanage. What they look forward to most every day is that someone can adopt them. They want a home very much, and they have a home for their future. Very beautiful fantasy. Agnes is the youngest of the three. She loves something called a unicorn, and if she can, she really wants to raise one. Edith is the most naughty of the three. She always likes to mess around with all kinds of things, and will always cause many troubles unintentionally. Compared with these two people, Margot is like a little adult, taking good care of these two little sisters, and already has a view of right and wrong.

If it is said that Gru adopted these three children for his own theft plan at the beginning, then everything after that may be the reason why his inner love was awakened. After arriving at the new home, Edith still didn’t get rid of her mischievous problem. The three kids accidentally discovered Gru’s secret base, and Edith accidentally shone a kind of radiation on Agnes’s doll unicorn. , The doll instantly turned to ashes, but she liked it very much. Afterwards, Gru took the three of them to the amusement park to play. Agnes saw a doll in a game console, but he could only get it through the customs.

When playing the game, the three little ghosts hit the ball to the object in the middle. It stands to reason that you can get the gift, but the boss said that you can only get it if you knock that thing down. Obviously it is impossible. At this time, Gru took out his gun and exploded the toy machine directly from the middle. Although this was a violent act, he felt that Gru’s actions at this time were really handsome. In fact, at this time, Ge Lu’s heart had changed. In the following days, Gelug will tell the children a story while they are sleeping and will say goodnight intimately before they go to bed.

After successfully getting the ray back, the doctor called and asked the orphanage to take the three children back. Although the three children were very sad about being removed, they did not express much. At this time, Glu actually had feelings for these children. Before the children left, he had agreed with Glu that they would go to see the show on the day they performed ballet, but that day happened to be the time to steal the moon. But the minion is still very clever, squeezing the tickets for the performance into Gru’s pocket. After implementing his plan, Ge Lu saw the ticket in his pocket and ran all the way from outer space to the performance venue.

The performance was over, but Gru found out that his three children had actually been taken away by his rival Victor. In order to save the child, Gru came to Victor’s house and willingly handed over the moon that he had finally stolen back. It seems that Gelu just gave up a stolen thing that did not belong to him, but if Gelu took the moon and appeared in the eyes of everyone, then he would become very famous and become very powerful in everyone’s mouth. people. It can be seen that these children have completely changed Gru, at least he has begun to love the world.

Although he was single before, he did not have a handsome appearance but had a chic temperament. Now he is the father of three children. Compared with the previous time, Gelu’s heart is gradually opened, and he has become emotional, knowing how To express your emotions and know how to love others.

The Walking Dead

Rick is born with the qualities of a leader. As a leader, what you have to do is make the right decision, nothing more, but this decision is difficult to make. He may not have the fighting power of Darryl, nor the kindness of Dale, Herschel, or Glenn, nor the willpower of Michonne, but everyone is always willing to follow in his footsteps. No one is born to be a leader, nor is Rick. As a person who originally lived in a civilized society, Rick originally followed his own rules of conduct.

Rick is born with the qualities of a leader. As a leader, what you have to do is make the right decision, nothing more, but this decision is difficult to make. He may not have the fighting power of Darryl, nor the kindness of Dale, Herschel, or Glenn, nor the willpower of Michonne, but everyone is always willing to follow in his footsteps. No one is born to be a leader, nor is Rick. As a person who originally lived in a civilized society, Rick originally followed his own rules of conduct. After experiencing the farm crisis, the camp that Rick and his team depended on turned into a sea of flames. He finally said to the people in the team, “From now on, all of you must listen to me. You can’t rely on it. If I live, I still want democracy.” At this time, Rick finally realized that under the extremely bad external conditions, he made his own decisions to keep everyone alive. At this time, Rick finally became a real leader. At this time, his view of the world has also undergone a real change. His first rule was “we kill walking corpses, not people”, but later it became, “we only kill when the other side threatens us.” Now, killing has become a kind of goal. Means, for example, in order to form an alliance with the cottage, he directly attacked the post of the Salvation Army.

At this time, Rick can no longer see the shadow of the sheriff. Rick is not bloodthirsty, but he has to kill to survive. In my memory, it seems that Rick has hardly lost his mind except when Lori died and Carl was suppressed by the strong man, even if the seventh season began to suffer such a severe blow. The reason why he is said to be a leader is precisely because of this, a team can be irrational, but a leader cannot. For the enemy, he must be cruel and face the darkest part of human nature in the last days. During this time of the end, the human nature of all people is changing. Rick is no exception. He gradually changed from being an ordinary policeman to being a leader who protects the team above all else. Because no changes are made, the team will be killed in the end.

Comparison of the three films

First of all, the common point of the three films is to introduce the flaws of the protagonist, including psychological and moral. Although the protagonist of The Walking Dead is a good policeman with normal moral standards at the beginning. But it is precisely because of this kindness that the team will be killed by other survivors in the end. Therefore, the characters of these protagonists will more or less affect the people around them.

It’s not that the protagonist didn’t realize their shortcomings, but for some reason they were unwilling to change. This is also a contradiction in the film. Using this as a clue to the story, the character of the protagonist will change from time to time in crisis, which will eventually lead to a good and ideal ending.

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