WEEK8 : Phonemes

For people in non-native English speaking countries, the practice of phonemes does take some time to understand. Because, in pronunciation, the wrong way of pronunciation may have been used since childhood. For example, the pronunciation of “th” and “s” are very similar in China. Some people even put them in one category.

So the reference is very important, the following is the reference of phonemes.

Although the two references are slightly different, this still needs to be combined with specific issues before deciding which one to use.

Music import to maya

This is a seemingly simple link, but there will always be errors. First, only audio in WAV and AIFF formats can be imported into Maya. Secondly, WAV sample rate and bit depth need attention.

As shown in the figure, the Sample rate must be 32000Hz, and the Bit Depth must be 16bits. The audio exported in this way can be imported in Maya.

Animating in Maya

Animating for face is similar to animating for body. In the later stage of animation, you need to adjust the motion curve in the graphic editor.

First, after importing audio, you need to adjust facial expressions and tongue movements according to the reference.

As can be seen in the figure, part of the facial movement changes too drastically. Therefore, the graphic editor needs to be adjusted.

After the modification has been made, you should always pay attention to whether the mouth shape matches the character’s language. Finally got the following video:

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