Week4:2D object design

My main work this week is the design of scene objects. Since the game project is in cartoon style, the objects I design should not be too complicated. It should be a condensed summary of a model. It can be clarified in another easy-to-understand way: We can judge the good or bad of the design by looking at the silhouette of the model. The shape of cartoon props should be more exaggerated, it contains the designer’s understanding of the shape and structure of objects.


It is necessary to refer to before designing. I searched a lot of pictures of cartoon rocks and marine plants to provide inspiration at once.

In addition, in the process of designing plants and rocks, I found a good example, as shown in the picture above. The design drawing includes the size of the plant and the details of the material. Such a design drawing helps increase the understanding of objects in the modeling and texturing phases.

Plents and rock 2D concept

This is the first draft of my plents. Obviously, the color of the plants is not uniform. But for so many plants, color design is still quite difficult. My solution to this is to first control the hue of the object roughly between light blue and pink. Then write the material shader in Unreal, and unify the colors of the plants in Unreal.

The following is the completed 2D concept.

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