WEEK3: Team Project

The main work of the third week is the modification of the car model, the modification of the character model, Onwrapping and texturing. In this process, I consolidated the previous process of mari making character maps.

Car model fix

After a long work, I ushered in the last modification of the task. This modification is mainly for the top of the car.

The successful completion of this task is inseparable from Luke’s patient guidance. From this car model making experience, I learned the details that should be paid attention to in model making.


As for our team project, I received Yann’s role model this week. The character model has a high degree of reduction, and Yann’s production speed is very fast, which is great. However, the role model has a relatively large number of faces, which is not conducive to subsequent work. Therefore, Yann and I performed manual surface reduction on the model.

In this way, we successfully reduced the number of faces from 160,000 to 83,000.

On wrapping

After the surface reduction is over, I On wrapping the model in RizomUV.


In the early part of this stage, Yann was making it.

The picture above is the effect of Yann’s production, I am making changes on this basis.

The first thing I want to modify is the texture of the character’s face and hands. In addition to Substance painter, I also used Mari and Zbrush to make textures.

In this process, I mainly made the colormap and the XYZ texture of the head. The XYZ map will be used in Zbrush to generate real bumps.

As shown in the figure above, it is the skin texture generated by the XYZ map in Mari. I re-carved some facial scars, wrinkles and muscles on this basis. Finally output Normalmap and AO map to Substance Painter.

Finally, go back to Yann’s spp file to modify the texture.

Thanks for the active cooperation of my team. This production efficiency is very high.

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