WEEK7: Team Project

My task for the seventh week is the scene at the gate of the church. Before that, thank Sean for his careful polishing. This gave me good model resources in the process of setting up the scene.

The construction of this scene is relatively difficult compared to the production of the first two scenes. Because it is difficult to find a good light angle. After discussion between Yann and Sean, I decided to change the direction of the Direction light. This means that the time in the scene has changed. But after changing the light, the picture effect has been greatly improved.

The following is my production process in this scene.


First test

In my first attempt to make the scene, no matter what composition design and changing the local light source, I couldn’t get a Hao image effect. The only solution is to change the time of the scene, that is, to change the direction of the Driection light. However, such a decision needs to be discussed by the group of urban management. Because this CG video is a conceptual image. So we can slightly change the concept of time. Just don’t be too exaggerated.

Second test

The following operation process is the production process after changing the direction light.

First of all, I added particle effects to my sub-scene.

The most important step before making particles is the production of particle materials.

Finally, we only need to adjust the emission source, burst rate, emission speed, rotation speed, particle life, life color, life transparency and particle size adjustment in the particle system.

As shown in the figure above, it is the effect of increasing particle dust. The effect is faint, if you look closely, you can see some translucent fine particles.

The next operation is the addition of plants and the addition of light. This light refers to the light effect in my personal project.

The above picture is the effect of adding plants and light.

The final problem is the lack of details on the octopus head and the wall. So I exported some decals in Bridge to add details.

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