WEEK9: Team Project

This week’s production of this scene is the scene inside the church, which is the most difficult part. Indoor lighting has always been something I am not good at. But in the scene of the Principality, my control of indoor lighting has also improved.


In this scene, I mainly refer to the building model in a scene file in the EPIC official mall.。Of course, the main object in the center of the picture is the statue of Cthulhu made by me.


First, I referred to the decorative structure inside the church. It can be roughly divided into upper and lower layers. There will be a high dome inside the church, where there will be good light shining into the scene.


First of all, according to the composition, first determine the positional relationship between the camera, Cthulhu and the church. Of course, my reference picture is a vertical composition, while the video is made in a horizontal composition. This caused me a lot of trouble in production.

Then continue to build the scene model.

This is a picture composition after setting up the scene. At this time, the center of the screen is relatively scattered. I hope the visual center of the picture can make the Cthulhu statue.

For this, I added some models on the top of the cathedral, so that a beam of light with light blocking was projected on the statue of Cthulhu. At the same time, the density of the height fog is enhanced. Make the light effect more obvious.

The last is the color adjustment in the scene, which is adjusted by postprocessvolume.

According to Yann’s storyboard, I placed cameras in other locations in the scene, and performed local point light sources to fill light. Get the picture effect of the above three pictures.

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