Thesis 6:Literature review

The literature review must achieve the following.

  • 1.demonstrate a clear understanding of your thesis and works/videos/films etc. relevant to your area of study.
  • 2. demonstrate that you can integrate these into your thesis in a clear and coherent way.
  • Demonstrate the ability to assess.
  • 3. Your marker must be clear on all of the above (remember your audience).
  • What should my literature include?
  • Address a theory that underpins my work.
  • Make a statement that is relevant to your field of study.
  • Either fall within my topic or clearly overlap.
  • Give recognition to the work of others.
  • Contribute to a coherent and consistent argument.
  • Define the current state of research in this area of study.

With the above writing method, I set the Literature review as the second chapter. The importance of game lighting in immersive game development is highlighted through theory, the atmosphere of successful games and the views of others. The main areas covered are the following.

  • 1 The difference between game lighting and film and television lighting
  • 2. what is immersive gaming
  • 3. lighting in immersive games
  • 4. ray tracing – Cyberpunk 2077
  • 5. Volumetric Lighting The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • 6.Lighting Effects – Genshin Impact
  • 7.Ambience Design – Little Nightmares

In conclusion, computer games are the most complex form of interactive media. It is no exception in immersive games. Although, a large part of game immersion comes from high-fidelity reproduction of reality, such as ray tracing and volumetric fog. For mobile platforms that are limited by hardware, game lighting artists will come with designs based on visual aesthetics as well as life attempts to add Lighting Visual Effects. obviously, many part of the game’s success cannot be achieved without realistic scenes.

Although defining and highlighting the shape is the first thing the lighting artist should consider. But in addition to the primary purpose of defining shape, light can also be a storytelling medium, affecting mood, form, color, intensity, and movement. But the biggest difference with film and television lighting is that game lighting has to take more into account game play as well as game performance to achieve perfect art effects while allowing players to have a smoother gaming experience. Today, computer hardware and software innovation, game lighting technology and rendering algorithms will continue to be optimized. Game lighting will be less constrained by the performance of the game. This has greatly increased the degree of development of game lighting. But having strong technology is not the key factor for the success of immersive game scenes. It also requires the support of art theory and the control of the producer’s artistic aesthetics.

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