My individual project is to continue to make a Term2 game project. The purpose of this project is to study Unreal material system, particle system, lighting system, terrain system and Blueprint in game production. In this week’s individual project, my main work is plants. Model modeling and texturing for plants.
In addition to my own 2D concept, I also referenced ZBZU’s plant model.
Then I modeled in Maya. The reason why I did not download and use other people’s resources is because this project will reflect all my skills, although it takes a lot of time.
After doing simple On wrapping, I drew some textures of the model in Photoshop. These models all need mask map.
Some of the models need to make black and white transition textures which are used to make animations in Unreal. The main principle is that black represents 0, which means that the object is not moving. White represents 1, which means the object can move. Use 0 and 1 to control the movement of the model.
This post picture corresponds to the big picture above, which is the texture of scallops. Corresponding to the UV position in the production.
Next, I will clarify the specific application in Unreal of this post.
First import the color and mask map into Unreal, as shown in the figure. Then we need to control the movement of the object through the gradual image. After testing, it was found that the movement of the model did not achieve the expected effect.
This is the gradient picture I got through calculation. Unlike making it in PS, the gradient can more accurately control the movement of the model. The exact value can reach 0.0001.
As shown in the figure, I got two poses of the model through calculation. The function of the Lerp node is to control the superposition relationship of the A and B channels by controlling the Alpha channel. When Alpha is 0, the output result is A. When Alpha is 1, the output result is B. Therefore, we can make a scallop animation by adjusting the value between Dynamic parameter 0 and 1.
The reason for using the Dynamic parameter node is that I want to use the particle system to animate multiple scallops. The Dynamic parameter is the material node used in the particle system.
Then, make the animation effect of the scallop in the particle system.

The final animation is shown above