Author Archives: Shimin Cong

Thesis 8:Little Devil Game evaluation and feedback

Under normal circumstances, there are several ways to get a more intuitive way for individual research results Interview:An interview is a guided conversation between the researcher (you) and the person you want to learn from. They can be called “whistleblowers”.The … Continue reading

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Thesis 7: Research Methodology

In this process, I summarized the iterative ideas of game lighting production based on my own lighting test results and past production experience. The purpose is to provide theoretical reference and iterative ideas for the production of the next chapter … Continue reading

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Thesis 6:Literature review

The literature review must achieve the following. 1.demonstrate a clear understanding of your thesis and works/videos/films etc. relevant to your area of study. 2. demonstrate that you can integrate these into your thesis in a clear and coherent way. Demonstrate … Continue reading

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Thesis 5:Abstract & Introduction

The Abstract and Introduction is the quickest way for the author to differentiate and engage the reader. The content of this section must therefore be logically rigorous. Abstract What is your field of studyWhether there are gaps in knowledge in … Continue reading

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Thesis 4:Lighting tests and book references

Before I started writing, I did a lot of reading as well as lighting tests as a way to improve my theoretical knowledge of game lighting. Through reading books, I found that almost all of them emphasise that game lighting … Continue reading

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Thesis 3:Outline

The outline of a dissertation is a very important reference for an 8,000 word dissertation. A good dissertation outline will give the writer an idea of what should be covered where. This prevents overstatement on one issue. The structure of … Continue reading

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Thesis 2: Argument Redirection

After Little Devil’s development, the structure of my thesis has been changed and its draft diagram is shown below. A different research direction from the first thesis. The focus of the research in this thesis will be on the production … Continue reading

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Thesis 1:Clarify the direction of the discussion

The most important thing that needs to be clarified for a thesis is the thesis. And the topic chosen for this dissertation is the result of several revisions. The first of these theses will focus on mind-flow experiences and immersive … Continue reading

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The video is mainly a demonstration of the personal work process. It is also a display of all the results of Team Project. Individual Project Future Plan As for personal projects, I will continue to study the blueprint logic of … Continue reading

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WEEK10: Team Project

The main content of the tenth week is video rendering and detailed adjustments inside the lens. Since there is no backup problem in scene production, I will use the final production effect as an example to illustrate the scene optimization. … Continue reading

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