Category Archives: Design for narrative structure, film language and animation

Research Presentation and Critical Report

Research Presentation Critical Report How to better use” humor language” in animation “Humor” is both an artistic language and a technique of entertainment. As a product of movies, animation mainly focuses on entertainment since its birth (Furniss, 2009). In animation, … Continue reading

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Research and Report

Before research and report, I have two ideas. One is to research the real-time render in unreal in animation. The other is to research the humorous language in animation. Combining the two, I prefer to study the humorous language in animation. Because real-time … Continue reading

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Character Development and Weakness

Frozen First, let me talk about the development and shortcomings of the protagonist of “Frozen”.  If one day you suddenly find that you are different from everyone in the world, what would you do? Aisha, one of the heroines in … Continue reading

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Critical thinking & Writing

Critical thinking and critical writing is no stranger to me who has taken the IELTS test. It even runs through the entire English learning process. But in many cases it is a routine exercise. This Friday’s course gave me a deeper … Continue reading

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Story Arcs, Character Designs, Timeline and Background- WALL·E

Story Circle Story circle can help anyone build a story structure well. Dam Harmon proposes to divide the story into 8 steps: A character is in a zone of comfort They want something They enter an unfamiliar situation Adapt to it Get what they want Pay … Continue reading

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Visual Culture

Mise-en-scence Mise-en-scence comes from French and means “put in place” or “place in the scene.” Started to be used in stage plays. The director can control and adjust the depth, distance, position and relative proportion of fifteen in the film … Continue reading

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Politics and medias relationship

As far as politics is concerned, the main role of the media is to provide information so that people can make decisions and participate in politics. Game From the perspective of politics and games, first of all, the game text … Continue reading

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Film Language and The History of Animation, Film, CGI and VFX

Part 1 Film Language The camera Shot length As a student of 3D animation, learning lens language is essential. There are many ways to classify lenses, such as fixed lenses and sports lenses according to shooting methods, and so on. … Continue reading

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